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Social & knowledge sharing

Create a continuous
learning culture

As of 2022, a continuous learning culture requires engagement to flourish. Fuse has average monthly engagement rates of 92% across our clients - so we know something about creating high engagement!

Social & knowledge sharing

Connect your
workforce together

Drive relevant connections through our easy setup tools:

Use data to create Audiences to group your employees into groups who share similar characteristics (job, department, industry etc.)

Use Communities to connect audiences to relevant content. By grouping peers together into smaller groups, they are more likely to contribute and benefit from the knowledge of the crowd. 

Learn how Panasonic improved NPS scores by 33% by connecting their contact centre workforce

Social & knowledge sharing

Capture your
workforce’s knowledge

Drive user-generated content through our simple content creation tools and empower operational experts to capture their knowledge. Content creation times drop from weeks to hours, meaning that business-critical knowledge can be captured faster and shared quickly to the workforce, so it is relevant and has impact at the right time.

Use our built-in screen-recording
software to empower employees to create videos on any device.

Enable employees to ask questions to find answers and start meaningful discussions.

Learn how Scandic Hotels empowered 18,000 employees to create learning content

Social & knowledge sharing

Drive engaging conversations

Conversations take place in communities, providing a unique context and a safe space to discuss with relevant groups, driving more engaging and fulfilling conversations. Use @mentions to bring experts into conversations to contribute and drive learning outcomes.

Learn more about knowledge in the flow here: