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L&D is changing and we're here to help. Our collection of ebooks and practical resources will make sure you're ready no matter what crosses your path. Start reading now!

Featured eBook

Boomers & Gen X Are Working For Longer - How Your Organisation Can Benefit
Boomers & Gen X Are Working For Longer - How Your Organisation Can Benefit
14 October, 2024
This infographic outlines five key ways to harness their skills and keep them engaged.
Looking for a new learning platform?


The Rise of Gen Z In The Workplace
The Rise of Gen Z In The Workplace
11 October, 2024
This infographic highlights FIVE ways you can keep the TikTok and social media generation engaged in learning.
Encouraging A Growth Mindset Within Your Organisation
Encouraging A Growth Mindset Within Your Organisation
10 October, 2024
This infographic delves into the topic in more detail and outlines several key ways you can encourage a growth mindset within your organisation.
The Benefits Of Promoting Internal Mobility
The Benefits Of Promoting Internal Mobility
9 October, 2024
This infographic outlines six ways to support internal mobility and explains why it’s important to invest in this approach.
Why Micro-Learning Is The Key To Higher Engagement
Why Micro-Learning Is The Key To Higher Engagement
8 October, 2024
This infographic highlights six key reasons why adopting this approach is essential, and how to make it happen.
The Importance of Skills Agility
The Importance of Skills Agility
7 October, 2024
This infographic outlines five key ways to begin re-skilling your workforce and the benefits of doing so.
6 Ways To Replace Ineffective Meetings with Fuse
6 Ways To Replace Ineffective Meetings with Fuse
21 August, 2024

Here we have listed six ways your organisation can utilise the Fuse learning platform to reduce unnecessary meetings, boost collaboration, increase employee engagement, and improve productivity.

How to Train Less, Learn More feat. Bob Mosher & Charles Jennings
How to Train Less, Learn More feat. Bob Mosher & Charles Jennings
20 April, 2024
Most L&D leaders agree that their departments have recently started focused on rebuilding or reshaping their organisation, and that L&D has become critically important. So how come so many enterprises still get learning entirely wrong? Read the ebook to find out how we can actually train less and learn more.
Solve the Learning Engagement Problem
Solve the Learning Engagement Problem
12 April, 2024

The L&D department needs to stop only focusing on ‘courses’ (created externally of the organisation or wholly by L&D) and rather start partnering with the business. Tapping into tacit knowledge and SMEs in order to create resources and experiences which drive measurable value and performance.

3 Benefits from Supporting Skills with Knowledge on the Job
3 Benefits from Supporting Skills with Knowledge on the Job
4 April, 2024
You can drive performance by building employees’ competence through reskilling with upskilling — making knowledge accessible in the flow of work to accelerate expertise.
The Great Enterprise Reality Check
The Great Enterprise Reality Check
29 March, 2024
Are companies truly aware of the productivity and profitability potential of L&D models that support on-demand, in-flow learning, and knowledge at the point of need? Or is there still a big disconnect between how learning is supposed to look, and how it is actually happening?
The Silent Pandemic Corporate Amnesia eBook
The Silent Pandemic Corporate Amnesia eBook
21 March, 2024
Corporate amnesia is evident when employees leave or when they forget what they’ve learned. However, it’s also painfully present when they simply can’t find the knowledge needed to perform optimally. Discover five ways to fight corporate amnesia in your organisation.
A Practical Guide to Creating Measurable Hypothesis
A Practical Guide to Creating Measurable Hypothesis
15 March, 2024

A step-by-step process to help you craft meaningful hypotheses for your learning experiments.

Igniting L&D that fuels business performance
Igniting L&D that fuels business performance
7 March, 2024

The new world of business is fast, agile and distributed. Employers are counting on L&D to upskill and reskill people as they adapt on the fly, and stay ahead of changes - it’s mission-critical that L&D keep up with the pace of business.

This ebook is for learning leaders in search of a better, more purposeful learning experience that impacts the bottom line. 

Brandon Hall Group Personalized Learning
Brandon Hall Group Personalized Learning
1 March, 2024

82% of companies say they are working on improving their approach to personalized learning - a new learning strategy that is transforming learning within many successful organisations. Grab a copy of our new report with Brandon Hall Group, and see why personalised learning in the flow of work will be key.

4 Ways AI Can Power Up Digital Learning
4 Ways AI Can Power Up Digital Learning
29 February, 2024

Accessibility to Artificial Intelligence for your organisation is easier than you think. Implementing a digital learning platform powered by AI will put your workforce ahead of the rest. Find out how digital learning powered by AI can impact your organisation.

The 12 commandments of content
The 12 commandments of content
23 February, 2024
In this ebook, we unveil our 12 Commandments of Content, and share the essential practices, techniques and strategies that will get tacit knowledge outside of the heads of your experts, and into the flow of work to turn skills into habits that support higher performance.
Knowledge in the Flow of Work - 5 Ways to Power Learning
Knowledge in the Flow of Work - 5 Ways to Power Learning
19 February, 2024
This ebook is for learning leaders leading the quest for a better, more purposeful learning experience that impacts the bottom line. 
RedThread x Fuse | Next-gen learning methods research report
RedThread x Fuse | Next-gen learning methods research report
8 February, 2024

RedThread investigated learning methods and how organisations are choosing them. They looked at over 60 articles, hosted a roundtable on the topic, and talked in depth with 15 learning leaders. This report outlines what they found.

Top Tips to Implementing Fuse and Powering Performance
Top Tips to Implementing Fuse and Powering Performance
10 January, 2024
At Fuse, we’re big believers in the value of advice that’s rooted in context and experience. We recently interviewed three of our fantastic customers from Joules, Panasonic and I-TRUST HR Limited, to source their expert advice on how to get the best out of Fuse.